Biblio IMAGE20 Children’s Songs for Marimba 20 Video’s 30th Anniversary 1992-2022 Gia Publications PROFILS24 Essays pour Vibraphone et Piano Volume 1 & Volume 2 Editions Henri Lemoine, France ENCORE 5 ‘bis’ for Mallets Alfonce Productions, France IMAGINEA mental approach to marimba playing notebutikken.noEnglish edition IMAGINE Une approche mentale vers le jeu du marimbanotebutikken.noVersion Française PRINTED EDITION IMAGINE Una aproximación mental a la práctica de la marimbanotebutikken.noEdición Español DIGITAL EDITION PRINTED EDITION 意想 IMAGINE马林巴演奏的精神解读notebutikken.no中文版 DIGITAL EDITION ENSEMBLE24 pieces for mallet ensemble 24 video’s performed by KCB Classical Percussion Department and RITCS Alfonce Production France PRINTED EDITION FOCUS 24 images for Vibraphone Bart Quartier may have created our genre’s Mikrokosmos!Jason DIGITAL EDITION DIALOGUE12 variations for Marimba MOVE12 grooves for Marimba CHAT 12 video’s Suite for marimba duoThe mean idea is listeningMainly for students of an intermediate level